Minecraft Keeps Crashing Java Edition Forge 1.12.2

  1. I loaded forge for 1.12.2 and when I try to start the launcher and it's give me the message, "An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. We're sorry for the inconvenience." It's only that version there is an issue with. I made sure my drivers were all updated. Anybody ran into this or have any ideas?
  2. I'm in the process of updating my stuff and so far Forge (plain) has not given me any problems. I'd start by checking your mods; I think one of those is most likely causing the crash.

    Easiest way to check: go to %appdata%\.minecraft and then rename the 'mods' folder into something else. 'mods.temp' for example. Fire up Forge again. If it still crashes then maybe Java is to blame, or the version which you got. If it works then it's definitely a mod causing this.


    Did you get 1.12.2 latest or recommended? Latest is the most modern one but can have a few issues.

  3. I just downloaded the latest versions of forge and liteloader (as well as my normal mods) and had no issues connecting to server or loading.

    EDIT: I used the following mod versions:

    mod_voxelMap_1.7.0_for_1.12.1 It appears this is the only one not working.

  4. Is it working for you? For some reason, it's not working for me :(
  5. Oh wow I just noticed that it is not. I got no errors and assumed all were fine. voxel map was the only one that didn't say whether it was compatible or not so I assume we have to wait for the official 1.12.2 on that one. The others on my list that say 1.12.1 were all listed as being compatible with 1.12.2.
  6. So I tested each one on my list to make sure and the rest seem normal. An alternative to voxel map is Xaero's Minimap which does have a 1.12.2 version.
  7. You sir, are the man :D
  8. Thank you for letting to know an alternative!
  9. Be sure to grab the fair play edition though and not the regular version because the use of mob radars and cave detectors is frowned upon.
  10. FYI, you can do mods/1.12.2/<mods here> as a folder instead, and forge will only load those mods when you are playing on that version.

    Makes it easier to switch versions too, keep each version of the mod in the respective MC version folder.

  11. Still having crash issue with forge. Do you need to uncheck the Mercurios box?
  12. No. I do just because. I believe that just sends data to them as feedback.
  13. Thanx Kloned, I tried it both ways and still crash issue, maybe I will try going to the recommended on instead of lastest and try that.
  14. Macros is working for you? I managed to load schematica (with lunatrius core) and worldedit; there's a release for inventory tweaks 1.12.2 and for OF, so I updated those. Macro is the only one that didn't load, did you do anything specific?
  15. I am going to perceive it as your care for seeing me on the server, rather than getting in the trouble, thanks for that. Otherwise, it isn't always a necessity to be a "parent" to everyone. Have a great day :)
  16. Ya worked for my normal usages. I only really use it to summon/store my horse now. I will try it later with trading. I didn't do anything out of the norm. Installed Forge, then installed liteloader over it and popped the listed mods in the mod folder.
  17. Cave and mobs display is also disabled by EMC so it wouldn't matter anyways. Now go clean your room! ;)
  18. Both actually. More so to help clear up some possible confusion in the making.True. However as with all these things there is intent and perception, as you pointed out yourself. My intent is merely to help out, no more and no less. If I need to address certain topics in order to do that then so be it.

    Trust me that my underlying reasoning goes much deeper than "helping you to keep out of trouble". It's also driven by wanting to help fill in some gaps to a somewhat outdated and inconsistent mods wiki page for example.

    But... point taken nonetheless. I'll keep my distance a bit from you when it comes to these specific issues from here on, no problem at all.


    I'd try and proof you wrong but then I'd probably only get myself into trouble. Even so, it heavily depends on the mod you're using; this isn't the case for Voxelmap for example.

    Or put differently: they didn't add a warning to the mods page for no reason. You know: the one which says that you need to turn these features off yourself?

  19. Since everyone here is being helpful. I loaded up my forge 1.12.2, everything is working, but my Schematica is not working and is acting like it isn't loaded. It is in the mod folder and Lunatruis core is installed
  20. No issues here. You might want to make sure you got the latest version of both.

    Right now I'm using Forge 2491 (1.12.2 'recommended') and Schematica 1.12.1- and things behave normally, even though it's officially a 1.12.1 version.

    (edit): And LunatriusCore

Minecraft Keeps Crashing Java Edition Forge 1.12.2

Source: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/forge-1-12-2-crashing-on-launcher.73733/

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