Minecraft Pocket Edition Herobrine Seed 0.9.5

Herobrine Mod for MCPE 0.9.5/0.9.0

Credits: Mclover152


Herobrine has entered the game once again… Except this time, he's brought along PIGBRINE, NOTCH, AND EVEN CHUCK NORRIS with him!

Poison bottles
Holy tools
Holy Grail
Holy Armour
Holy Staff
Holy Portals
Pigbrine Spawner
Holy Gems/Ore
Holy Blocks
Holy Portal Activator
Holy Dimension
Chuck Norris
Herobrine Spawner
Herobrine's Ghost
Herobrine's Ghost Spawner
Fallen Angel
Angel Spawner
Fallen Angel Spawner
Herobrine's Flesh

Mobs Information:

He is technically a modified version of the zombie.
Without the texture pack he appears as a zombie.
He has a name tag called Herobrine.
He has 100 strength. (Technically 50 hearts)
He will attack two hearts at a time.
If you have difficulty off, he will not spawn.

=Herobrine's Ghost=
Herobrine's Ghost is a Ghost version od herobrine.
He can be spawned with the Herobrine's Ghost Spawner.

=Herobrine's Ghost Spawner=
This will spawn Herobrine's Ghost.
It can be crafted with 8 cobblestone and 1 herobrine spawner.

=Herobrine Spawner=
This Spawns Herobrine, but without the trolling features.
It can be Crafted with 8 netherrack and 1 bone.

=Herobrine's Flesh=
This can be obtained in the holy dimension.
It can be used to craft The bottle of poison.

=Fallen Angel=
The fallen angel is technically a modified version of the silver fish.
When you reload the world, it appears as a silver fish.
It can be spawned with the fallen angle spawner.
It can also be spawned by placing one stone brick block on top of a gold block, then lit with flint and steel.

=Fallen Angel Spawner=
The Fallen Angel Spawner Spawns The fallen angel.
It can be crafted with 8 stone brick blocks, and 1 holy gem.

The angel isn't much, just a custom skin…
It can be spawned with the angel spawner.
It can also be spawned by placing one glowstone block on a gold block lit with flint and steel

=Angel Spawner=
The angel spawner can spawn the angel.
It can be crafted with 8 glowstone dust, and one gold block.

=Holy Sword=
The holy sword is the only weapon in this mod.
It is technically a modified version of the Diamond sword.
Without the texture pack it appears as a diamond sword.
It can be used only on Herobrine and subtracts 10 hearts.
It can be crafted with two Holy Ores and a stick.

=Holy Grail=
The holy grail is the only food/heart re generator in this mod.
It is technically a modified version of the water bucket.
Without the texture pack, it appears as a water bucket.
It can only be used on the player, and when you tap it with any block it will regenerate all your hearts.
It can be crafted with one water bucket and 3 gold ingots.

=Holy Armour=
Holy water has the power of diamond armour.
It is technically a modified version of the diamond armour.
Without the texture pack, it appears as diamond armour.
It is like diamond armour except it has a different name XD
It can be crafted like diamond armour.

=Holy Staff=
The Holy Staff can turn anything that it taps into diamonds :O
Without the texture pack, it appears as a blaze rod.
It can be crafted with one holy ore and two sticks.

=Holy Ore=
The holy ore can craft many things in this mod.
It can be smelted with diamonds and any fuel source in mcpe.

=Holy Blocks=
The holy blocks are in the holy portal.

=Holy Portal=
The holy portal can be created using the item. With the holy portal item, you can can tap it on any block to make a holy portal.

=Holy tools=
Technically retextured diamond tools.

Can be spawned with the pigbrine spawner.
Needs 8 netherrack and 1 cooked porkchop to craft the pigbrine spawner.

=Poison Bottle=
When you hit a mob with it, it will explode and kill the mob.

Pretty soon i plan to add a Heaven and Hell dimension, but i need to find a way for it not to crash blocklauncher when teleporting to the dimension.

=Holy Portal Activator=
The holy portal activator activates the holy portal (duh)
It can be crafted with 1 holy ore and 2 sticks
To use it, tap the ice part of the holy portal
Also when you tap it on the chest in the holy dimension you will exit the holy dimension.

=Holy dimension=
The holy dimension it a glowstone room, containing a chest with resources.

The wiki is an item, when tapped with on any block, it will bring this menu,
it makes using this mod easier, because with the wiki, you can view this page in game!

Notch is a mob that spawns in the holy dimension, he has the API of a villager.

=Chuck Norris=
Chuck Norris is a mob with the API of a villager.
Block And Item Ids:

Here are all the block and item ids for this mod:


496: Angel Spawner
497: Fallen Angel Spawner
498: Herobrine Spawner
499: Herobrine's Flesh
500: Bottle of healing
501: Holy Sword
502: Holy Staff
503: Holy Portal Activator
504: Wiki
505: Chuck Norris Spawner
506: Notch Spawner
507: Holy Grail
508: Holy Gem
509: Holy Portal
510: Bottle of Poison
511: Pigbrine Spawner

(The item ids for both holy armour and holy tools are those for diamond armour and diamond tools)

BLOCKS (These are blocks for the portal, they have no use for the User)

180: Holy Block
181: Holy Portal


/hh wiki: Gives you a wiki
/hh items: Gives you all the items and blocks
/hh help: Gives a list of all these commands

How to install:

Download the mod.
Then you need to open a file manager like ES File Explorer (free) for Android.
Then go to the file with your mods in it, and click the one you want in your MCPE game.
Then go to BlockLauncher (app for android) and open the in game file manager (its a button at the top of your screen) then hit the patch mods in game button.
Then open the file with your mods in it, and tap the one you want, and it will say Do You Want To Patch This Mod?
Then hit patch and now you have a mod for your MCPE game.

Minecraft Pocket Edition Herobrine Seed 0.9.5

Source: http://www.modsofminecraft.com/herobrine-mod-mcpe-0-9-50-9-0/

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